Tracking & monitoring
1. Creating a new project
To create a new project you can use the attached guide
2. Finding the right weight group
You are now set to start entering weight information into the different weight groups (posts) in the breakdown structure. There are two ways of finding the right weight group for the weight item that you want to store. The first one is by using the Search… dialog, which can be found under Wgt.Grp. on the menu bar.
In this dialog you can choose between SFI search and index search. Either way you enter the SFI number or the item name into the editbox, and by clicking Show posts, the lower window shows the suggested weight groups for this item. If you accept the suggested groups you can double-click right on the suggestions, and you will be taken to this weight group automatically.
Currently this is implemented for the ShipWeight work breakdown structure only.
3. Library of standard objects
ShipWeight currently has such a library, but it would probably have to be made more robust and flexible. It would be delivered to you empty, of course, with tools for populating it with your own data.
ShipWeight’ s permissions would be extended to control which users would have the ability to add, modify, or delete items from the library.
Any time an item was modified or deleted, the user would be prompted as to whether or not the change should propagate through the database(s), and if so, should all instances be changed, or should the user be prompted to accept each instance (much like Find/Replace in Word).
Again, the user would have to have sufficient privileges to make such a change.
4. Making the project ready for export to the shipdatabase
When all the weight items are entered into the breakdown structure and the lightship weight is complete, the weights can be exported to the common shipdatabase. However, the main objective is not to export the weights alone. In order to establish an estimation coefficient, the estimation parameters should be exported together with the weights.
To enlighten this, look at the following example:
In the cargo area the weights has summed up to 300 tons. An estimation formula is attached to the cargo area weight group.
The formula goes: W = k * V
The weight equals a coefficient multiplied with the volume of the cargo area.
If we export just the weight and not the volume parameter, a coefficient cannot be established for later estimation. Therefore we would like to register the volume parameter. After registering all possible parameters the project will be ready to be exported.
5. Moving through the hierarchy
One way to find the right weight group is to move manually through the breakdown structure.
To navigate manually it is most convenient to use the tree view at the lower part of the ShipWeight main window (marked with circle number 1).
Alternatively you can use the navigation button (circle number 2) or just double click in the grid right on the weight group (circle number 3).
Important! The logic of summarizing in ShipWeight is based upon the rule that a weight group is the sum of the weight groups below. This means that if you split one weight group to fill in weight items on a lower level, you will lose the value in the weight group above. However the value can be saved in Log… dialog (found on the View menu) for history tracking.
6. Opening an existing project
To open an existing project, select Open… on the Project menu or press the open button on the toolbar.
In the Open dialog, set the following properties:
Server Select one of the available servers.
Database Select database.
Project ID Select project.
Press OK to open the project.
7. Starting ShipWeight
Use the following guide to start up ShipWeight
8. The item dialog: Entering weight information
The Item-dialog is used to add new and edit existing weight items.
The Item-dialog can be accessed in several ways. Make sure to navigate to the desired weight group.