1. Addresses
On the Addresses submenu under the ShipDatabase menu in the main window, information on suppliers, owners, yards, designers and ShipWeight users can be stored.
With the Add, Edit and Delete buttons this database can be customized to fit the user organization.
The Print button can be used for printing the information.
2. Attaching a database
1. Open Microsoft SQL Management Studio on the database server. If not installed, download and install from here:
2. After starting the SQL Management Studio and logging on, right click the ” Databases” folder in the instance tree and select “Attach…”
3. In the “Attach database” dialog, click the “Add…” button.
Open Microsoft SQL Management Studio on the database server. If not installed, download and install from here:‐ 4BD1‐4E3D‐94B8‐5A0F62BF7796&DisplayLang=en
After starting the SQL Management Studio and logging on, expand the “Databases” node, select the database you want to detach and right click to select “Detach…”
In the “Detach database” dialog, check “Drop Connections” and click “OK”.
You’re done.
4. Next, In the “Locate Database files” dialog that pops up, select the mdf files of the database to be attached and click “OK”.
An equipment database containing more than 300 different equipment items with weights can be opened by selecting Equipment… under Shipdatabase in the menubar.
This database can be edited and the user can add new equipment to the database.
When working in the Items dialog, weight and equipment specification can be retrieved from this database. To open the database within the Item dialog, select Equipment… in the submenu appearing when right clicking the mouse button, or by pressing the equipment button:
5. How to Add, Edit and Delete SWBS Groups in ShipWeight
The main Work Breakdown System (WBS), such as the ESWBS and ShipWeight WBS, should ideally never be edited as these systems should lay firm to preserve consistency between weight groups in historical data. This is especially important when utilizing the parametric estimation in ShipWeight. It is crucial to the reliability of the parametric estimation that historical data in weight groups are comparable and on a “one-to-one” relationship in terms of definition.
Still, there may be occasions when editing and/or expansion of the WBS is needed. For this, the Edit Weight Groups dialog has been made. It is opened from the ShipWeight main window menuDatabase->Administrator->Wgt.grp. Definition…
Since editing the WBS is something to be done with caution and to prevent unintended changes, a password dialog pops up. You are required to type in the password sysadmin to open the Edit Weight Groups dialog.
To edit a weight group
Navigate and select the weight group you want to edit in the grid list. Click twice in the grid containing the information in the weight group you want to edit. The grid will then turn into edit mode and you can make the changes. Type the enter key to confirm.
To delete a weight group
Navigate and select the weight group you want to delete in the grid list. Use the mouse to right-click the weight group in the grid list and select “Delete” from the submenu. Confirm by clicking “Yes” in the confirmation pop-up window.
To add a new weight group
Use the scrollbar to the far right in the dialog to scroll to the end of the grid list. At the end there is an empty row. Click twice in the grids to enter in the details for the new weight group. All three columns must be filled in. Hit the enter key to confirm. (A new empty row will appear at the end of the list once a new weight group is registered.)
To copy a weight group
Navigate and select the weight group you want to delete in the grid list. Use the mouse to right-click the weight group in the grid list and select “Copy” from the submenu.
To paste a weight group
Navigate and select the weight group you want to delete in the grid list. Use the mouse to right-click the weight group in the grid list and select “Paste” from the submenu.
Close the dialog and restart ShipWeight for the changes to take effect.
6. Introduction to the Databases
The following is a short explanation of the databases used by ShipWeight (SQL-version). The purpose is to show where to find information on weight and main parameters of a ShipWeight project. A basic knowledge of the databases is necessary e.g. for using Crystal Reports to create custom ShipWeight reports.
7. Parent/Child Functionality
Through the possibility of having several projects in one database combined with ShipWeight`s compare function, we can support multiple builds of similar projects:
You may establish a “base” configuration and have several versions of a project where all data from the “base” project is inherited and combined with the data that is special for each single project. With this functionality, changes to the “base” projects will affect all children projects, while individual changes to a child project only affects that particular version.
This parent/child functionality gives you the opportunity to deal with weight estimates in different loading conditions; fuel tanks full or empty, ballast tanks in battle draft load, full or empty magazines, etc.
8. Primary and secondary database
ShipWeight runs on SQL Server and is a true multiuser system. Some customers are running ShipWeight with up to 50 people simultaneously working on the same weight project, but the number of simultaneous users possible is virtually unlimited.
A ShipWeight project includes a primary database and a secondary database. The primary database is trimmed to only contain your actual current weight data. This means that when a weight item is added, edited or deleted, this action is carried out on the primary database, in example; a deleted item is physically removed from the database.
However, the secondary database logs all actions carried out on the primary database. This means that when a weight item (or any other project information) in the primary database is added, edited or deleted, these actions are recorded on the secondary database. In example, if a weight item is deleted, the secondary database will contain all information about the deleted item, including who deleted it and when it was deleted. The same goes for an added or edited item.
The primary/secondary database configuration allows optimum performance for calculations on the primary database, while you can run change reports from the secondary database. In addition there are special reports in ShipWeight that allows you to show weight development, overall and in detail, for different revisions of the weight project. This can be obtained when saving (freezing) revisions of the project at certain stages and uses a different technology than the above primary/secondary database set up.
9. Start a new database
To start a new project database do the following:
Go to menu “Project->New…” and open the “Project Data” dialog. In the “Project Data” dialog, instead of selecting the current ” Database ID” in the topmost drop-list , you simply type in the name of your new project database in this field.
Next you continue filling in the rest of your project information for the vessel and once you’re done you click OK and ShipWeight will create the new project database for you, giving it the name you’ve typed in the “Database ID” field.
The user that performs this operation needs to have “create database” privileges on the SQL Server to carry out the creation of the new project database on the server. Once the project database is created, the user can now select this database from the Database ID drop-list in the “Project Data” dialog to create new projects within this database.
10. Update client machines when changing database server
In the registry on the client machine there is a registry setting with key name:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BAS engineering\ShipWeight\7.0\Database
In this key there is a string variable named “ServerName” which holds the name of the SQL Server instance. If you move the databases to a different server instance you need to modify the data in this key so it points to the new instance.
The procedure would be as follows:
1. Open registry editor on the client machine (type ” regedit” and
click OK from the “Run” dialog – opens from “Start => Run” on Windows
2. In registry editor, expand the folders and locate the
following folder
On 32 bit operating system:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BAS engineering\ShipWeight\7.0\Database
On 64 bit operating systems:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BAS engineering\ShipWeight\7.0\Database
3. In the ShipWeight database folder in registry editor, select
“ServerName”, right-click and select “Modify”
4. Change the SQL Server instance name in the input dialog and
click OK.
5. You’re done.